User Guide: ModuLight

Welcome to ModuLight

Min-max your module management!

ModuLight is a desktop app built for professors from National University of Singapore from the School of Computing to manage students and assessments for a single module. This app is ideally designed for professors with intermediate or higher technical knowledge, who are comfortable using the Command Line Interface (CLI) and terminal. We also assume that the professors are already familiar with module structures, such as the graded components and their weightages and the number of students and tutorial groups.

Here’s an overview of how ModuLight can help you to streamline your module management process:

  • Store and edit information about your students and various assessments.
  • Calculate statistics on cohort performance for assessments and autograde based on customised parameters.
  • Track qualitative information about your students and assessments using tags and comments.

Furthermore, we believe that module management should be efficient. Therefore, ModuLight is optimized for use via a Command Line Interface while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). For those proficient in typing, ModuLight can get your student grading tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.

How to use this guide

  1. For the first time users we recommend to:

    • Start with the Quick start to download, setup and run the program.

    • Go through Navigating the Graphical User Interface (GUI) section to understand the different components of the GUI of the program.

    • Go through the Command Format to get an idea of the correct way to understand and input the commands.

    • Look out for the following text box and text styles.

      • We use link such as Command Summary Link to direct you to a specific section in this guide.

      • We also use text with background, such as code to highlight text relevant to commands.

      • We use the following box to show important tips and alerts

ℹ️ Important alert: Important information that you should take note of

💡 Useful tips: Useful tips and additional information that helps you to make better use of ModuLight

  1. For regular users:

    • We have provided a command summary for you to check all the available features.

    • More detailed explanation of the features can be found under the Features section.

    • An overview of all the parameters used in the commands along with their constraints and such can be found under the Parameter Information section.

Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer. If you are unsure about how to verify your java version, you can refer to the FAQ section.

  2. Download the latest ModuLight.jar from here. download

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your ModuLight.

  4. Open a command terminal. Type cd and press enter to move into the folder you put the jar file in, and use the java -jar ModuLight.jar command to run the application. If you are unsure about how to open a terminal, please refer to the FAQ section.
    A GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data.


  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • addStu s/A1234567X e/ g/T02 n/Jamus Lim : Adds a Student named Jamus Lim.

    • addComp c/Midterm Exam w/25 mm/75 : Adds a Graded Component named Midterm Exam.

    • editScore 1 m/10 : Edits the score of the Midterm Component for the student with the student id A1234567X.

  6. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.

Parameter Information

ModuLight keeps track of a lists of students, a list of student scores and a list of graded components.

  • A student contains the basic personal information of a student, such as student id, email and tutorial group.
  • A graded component is an assignment or assessment, for example a research report or midterm. It has a maximum mark and a weightage.
  • A student score is a score that a student obtained for a particular graded component.

The following section gives an overview of the parameters used for the commands related to student, student score and graded component, as well as the constraints of these parameters.

Student Parameters

Parameter Description Constraints Valid Examples Invalid Examples
n/ Name of the student Must only contain alphanumeric characters and must not be empty. John, Lee Xiao Ming 晓明, Xiao Ming@Lee, 이준
e/ Email of the student Must consist of an alphanumeric prefix, @ symbol and a domain, 12@, 1234gmail
s/ Student ID of the student Must begin and end with a capital letter and have 7 digits in between them A1234567W a1234567w, a123w, B1234567
g/ Tutorial group of the student Must consist of a capital letter followed by 2 digits T06, L10 T1, t10, T111, @T11
t/ Tag of the student Must only contain alphanumeric characters Potential TA, MakeupExam 晓明, Xiao Ming@Lee, 이준

Graded Component Parameters

Parameter Description Constraints Valid Examples Invalid Examples
c/ Name of the graded component Must only contain alphanumeric characters and must not be empty Midterm Exam, CA2 高考, CA2/Oral, Practical-Exam
w/ Weightage of the graded component Must be a non-negative number, including decimals, less than or equal to 100. 0, 0.25, 20 -0.3, 1/2, (20), 1000.8, NIL
mm/ Maximum marks for the graded component, in absolute terms Must be a non-negative number less than or equal to 10000. 0.0, 28, 100, 200.0 -0.3, 1/2, (20), NIL

Student Score Parameters

Parameter Description Constraints Valid Examples Invalid Examples
m/ Marks of the Student Score, in absolute terms Must be a non-negative number, though decimals are allowed. Cannot exceed the maximum marks of the graded component this score is related to 0, 0.23, 30.00, 20 -1, ⅔, 2^3, twelve
x/ Comments of the student score Must only contain alphanumeric characters Nice work!, Check number 2 好的
t/ Tags of the student score Must only contain alphanumeric characters Highest Score, Makeup Exam @plagiarism, Highest_Score
Parameter Description Constraints Valid Examples Invalid Examples
INDEX Used in edit commands and delete commands, The index of the target student, score or component Positive integer 1, 10, 21 -2, 0
o/ Used in the sortStu command, the selected parameter of students to be sorted Only parameters in the list (The full list can be found under the description of sortStu command) are allowed n, totalscore, tut studentName, overall score
r/ Used in the sortStu and sortStuScore commands, the reverse order (to arrange the list either in ascending or descending order) Only parameters in the list (The full list can be found under the description of sortStu and sortScore commands) are allowed t, f, decreasing True, ascending
st/ Used in the stats and compStats commands, the statistical measures to be calculated Only parameters in the list (The full list can be found under the description of stats and compStats commands) are allowed max, upperQuartile quartile, correlation
pg/ Used in autoGrade to determine the passing value of the grade At most 11 number, with each of them must be an integer. Furthermore, the value must be decreasing and cannot exceed 100 or below 0 90 80 50 30 20, 0, 100 101, -2, 90 70 75, 90 90 90
ag/ Used in autoGrade to determine the grading method One of the: p, percentile, Percentile, a, absolute, Absolute p, percentile, Percentile, a, absolute, Absolute Asolut, persentil

Graded Component and Student Score parameters for score calculation

  • The maximum marks of a graded component and marks of a student score are both absolute values and are used together to determine the relative performance of a student for a component.
    • For instance, if the maximum marks for a component Midterms is 50, and the marks for the student is 35, then the student scored 35/50 =70% on this graded component.
  • The weightage of a graded component is used to determine its contribution to a student’s overall score, and is calculated relative to the sum of all other component weightages.
    • For example, in a system with only 2 components, if component A has a weightage of 30 and component B has a weightage of 20, then component A represents 20/(20+30) = 60% of the student’s overall score. This changes as components are added or removed.
      Note that the total weightage of all graded components should not exceed 100.

💡 Useful tips:

  • If a graded component has a maximum mark of 0, the relative score for any associated student scores will be 0.
  • If a student or graded component has no associated student scores, the overall score will be listed as 0.

ModuLight comes with a GUI to allow for nice visual feedback for our users. Here is a quick run through of the different sections of our GUI, as well as some notes regarding the use of the GUI.

Quick Orientation:

Ui overview

Here is a summary of each GUI component within ModuLight.

Name of Component Description
Menu Bar Contains dropdown menu options for the App
Command Box Allow users to enter their commands
Result Display Provides feedback upon a user command. Allows users to see if their command was successful or not. Provides error messages to guide user on how to use ModuLight Commands.
Graded Component List Shows a list of Graded Component Cards. This list can be manipulated through commands. Upon starting the app, this list will reflect all Graded Components stored.
Graded Component Card Displays key information about a Graded Component such as maximum marks and weightage.
Student List Shows a list of Student Cards. This list can be manipulated through commands. Upon starting the app, this list will reflect all Students stored.
Student Card Displays key information about a Student such as name, tutorial group, email, id, etc.
Student Score List Shows a list of Student Score Cards. This list can be manipulated through commands. Upon starting the app, this list will reflect all StudentsScores stored.
Student Score Card Displays key information about student scores such as graded component name for which the student is given the score and the student score itself.

Command Format

Notes Explanation Examples
Words in UPPER_CASE These are parameters that are supplied by the user addStu s/STUDENT_NO n/NAME… can be used as addStu s/A1234567Z n/John…
Items in square brackets These are optional parameters (can be left empty by the user) editScore 1 m/MARKS [x/COMMENTS] can be used as editScore 1 m/75 or editScore 1 m/75 x/Great work.
Items with ... after them These are parameters that can be used multiple times (or omitted completely) editStu INDEX [t/TAG...] can be used as editStu 1 t/plagiarism t/withdraw or editStu 1 t/plagiarism
Parameters can be in any order NIL editStu 1 n/megan t/T00 is equivalent to editStu 1 t/T00 n/megan
If a parameter is expected only once and entered multiple times, an error message will be shown NIL editStu 1 n/megan n/maegan results in error message Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s)
Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, exit , listAll and clearAll will be ignored NIL help abc is equivalent to help


ℹ️ Important alert: If you are using a PDF version of this document, be careful when copying and pasting commands that span multiple lines as space characters surrounding line-breaks may be omitted when copied over to the application.

Add Commands

You can use the following commands to add a new student or graded component.

💡 Useful tips: Student scores will be automatically added when a new student or component is added.

Add a student: addStu

You can use this command to add a student to the database so that you can track all students taking the course.
Throws error if student with same student number already exists. If successful, an acknowledgement message is shown and data is saved. Otherwise, an error message is shown instead.

Format: addStu s/STUDENT_NO n/NAME e/EMAIL [g/TUTORIAL_GRP] [t/tags…]

  • Valid student numbers start and end with an upper-case alphabet, and have 7 numeric symbols in between.
  • it is allowed to omit the tutorial group. In this case, the student's tutorial group will be T00 by default.


  • addStu s/A1234567Y n/Andy Ong g/T03 e/ Adds a student with student number A1234567Y, name Andy Ong, with email belonging to tutorial group T03 to the database.


Add a graded component: addComp

You can use this command to add a graded component to the database so that you can track all graded components in my course thus far.
If successful, an acknowledgement message will be shown in the output box and data is saved. Otherwise, a failure message is shown instead specifying the cause of failure.

Upon successful creation of a graded component, a corresponding student score will be created for each student in the database. For instance, if a graded component with name “Midterms” is created and there are two students with student numbers A1234567X and A1234567Y in the database, then two student scores are created with titles A1234567X - Midterm and A1234567Y - Midterm.

  • When adding the component, you must ensure that the total weightage of all components does not exceed 100.
  • Weightage is a relative value calculated relative to the sum of all other weightage values. For more details, view the notes on score calculations.
  • Please refrain from entering numbers with more than 2 decimal places of precision.


Examples: addComp c/Midterm w/30 mm/70 adds a graded component called “Midterm” with a weightage of 30 and a maximum mark of 70.

Edit Commands

You can use the following commands to edit a student, student score or graded component.

💡 Useful tips: A student score is related to a student and a graded component. Thus, when one entity is edited, its information in all related entities will be edited as well. For instance, when a student's student ID is edited, the change will be reflected in all scores that belong to this student.

Edit a student : editStu

You can use this command to edit an existing student’s details in the database so that you can update outdated student information or correct mistakes, based on the 1-based index of the student shown in the currently visible Student list.
If successful, an acknowledgement message will be shown in the result display and data is saved. Otherwise, a failure message is shown instead specifying the cause of failure.

Format: editStu INDEX [s/STUDENT_NO] [g/TUTORIAL_GRP] [n/NAME] [e/EMAIL] [t/tags…]​

  • 1 or more fields to be edited must be provided in the command.
  • The index provided must be more than 0 and not exceed the number of students displayed in the Student list.
  • If the student number is being edited, the edited student number must be different from any other student already in the database.**


  • editStu 2 s/A9999999W g/T03 edits the second student in the Student list to have student number A9999999W, and have tutorial group T03.


Edit a graded component: editComp

You can use this command to edit an existing graded component’s details in the database so that you can make changes to a component (e.g. modify weightage) or correct mistakes, based on the 1-based index of the graded component shown in the Graded Components list.
If successful, an acknowledgement message will be shown in the output box and data is saved. Otherwise, a failure message is shown instead specifying the cause of failure.

  • 1 or more fields to be edited must be provided in the command.
  • The index provided must be more than 0 and not exceed the number of graded components displayed in the Graded Components list.
  • If the component name is being edited, the component name cannot match the component name of any other graded component already in the database.
  • When editing the component, you must ensure that the total weightage of all components does not exceed 100.
  • If editing the maximum marks, ensure none of the current student scores exceed the new maximum marks.
  • Weightage is a relative value calculated relative to the sum of all other weightage values. For more details, view the notes on score calculations.
  • Please refrain from entering numbers with more than 2 decimal places of precision.

Format: editComp INDEX [c/COMP_NAME] [w/WEIGHTAGE] [mm/MAX_MARKS]

  • if no parameters except index are passed in, it will throw an error.

Examples: editComp 4 c/Midterm Exam mm/55 edits the fourth graded component in the Graded Components list to have a name of “Midterm Exam”, and a maximum mark of 55.

Edit student score: editScore

You can use this command to edit a student’s mark for a certain graded component so that you can regrade student scripts or correct mistakes, based on the 1-based index of the student score shown in the Student Scores list.

Note: a StudentScore will be automatically added when a graded component is created or when a new student is added. Similarly, student scores will be automatically deleted when its associated graded component or student is deleted.

  • 1 or more fields to be edited must be provided in the command.
  • The index provided must be more than 0 and not exceed the number of student scores displayed in the Student Scores list.
  • The mark given cannot exceed the maximum marks for the associated graded component.
  • Please refrain from entering numbers with more than 2 decimal places of precision.

Format: editScore INDEX [m/SCORE] [x/comment] [t/tags]

  • if the mark is being edited, the new mark should be more than 0 and not exceed the associated component's maximum marks.
  • if no parameters except index are passed in, it will throw an error.

Examples: editScore 7 m/57 assigns a mark of 57 for the seventh student score in the Student Scores list.

Delete Commands

You can use the following commands to delete a student or graded component from the database.

💡 Useful tips: Student scores will be automatically deleted when the corresponding student or component is deleted. For instance, when a student is deleted, all scores that belong to this student will be deleted. They will be deleted from the graded components as well.

Delete a student : deleteStu

You can use this command to delete an existing student in the database so that you can remove students dropping the course/wrongly assigned, based on the 1-based index of the student shown in the currently visible Student list.
If successful, an acknowledgement message will be shown in the output box and data is saved. Otherwise, a failure message is shown instead specifying the cause of failure.

Format: deleteStu INDEX

  • The index provided must be at least 1 and not exceed the number of students displayed in the Student list.


  • deleteStu 7 deletes the seventh student in the currently visible Student list.


Delete a graded component: deleteComp

You can use this command to delete an existing graded component in the database so that you can remove a graded component when it is deemed unnecessary, based on the 1-based index of the graded component shown in the displayed Graded Components list.
If successful, an acknowledgement message will be shown in the output box and data is saved. Otherwise, a failure message is shown instead specifying the cause of failure.

Format: deleteComp INDEX

  • The index provided must be more than 0 and not exceed the number of graded components displayed in the Graded Components list.

Examples: deleteComp 2 deletes the second graded component in the displayed Graded Components List

Find Commands

You can use the following commands to filter and show the interested students.


Parameter Relevant Commands Description Match Criteria Search word Match examples
n/ findStu, findScore Name of the student If student name contains the search keywords John john, John Snow
e/ findStu, findScore Email of the student If student email contains the search keywords 1234@.COM
s/ findStu, findScore Student ID of the student If student ID contains the search keywords a12345 A1234567W, A1234568W
g/ findStu, findScore Tutorial group of the student Exact match t08 T08
t/ findStu, findScore Tag of the student Exact match ta TA
x/ findScore Comment of the student score If the comment contains the search key words plagiarism Potential plagiarism
c/ findComp, finsScore Name of the graded components If component name contains the search keywords midterm Midterm
  • All find parameters are case-insensitive, except for tag which needs an exact match
  • It is allowed to have 0 searching criteria. In this case, this command will simply list all objects.
  • For searching with multiple parameters of the same type, it will find the objects which satisfy any of the criteria.
  • For searching with parameters of different types, it will find the objects which satisfy all the criteria.
  • For searching with multiple parameters of different types, it will find the objects which satisfy at least one criterion for each type.

💡 Useful tips:

  • If a student number of the incorrect format is given, there might be no entity found. For example, if you search findStu s/A00000Y, no students will be found since this is not a substring of any valid student number.
  • If you would like to see the complete lists again, please use the listAll command.

Find students: findStu

You can use this command to shows all students who match the given search keyword of the specific parameter.
All the relevant student scores will be displayed as well so that you can quickly find information about a student and their scores without having to search through the list. All graded components will be displayed as they are relevant.

Format: findStu [s/STUDENT_NO...] [n/NAME...] [e/EMAIL...] [g/TUTORIAL_GRP...] [t/TAG...]


  • findStu s/A000000Y returns the data of the student whose student ID is A0000000Y.


Find graded components : findComp

You can use this command to show all graded components who match the given search keyword of the specific parameter. All the relevant student scores and all students will be displayed as well so that you can quickly find information about a graded component and the scores without having to search through the list.

Format: findComp [c/COMP_NAME]

Example: findComp c/midterm lists all graded components containing the string midterm (and their associated scores). All students will be shown since they are relevant.

Find student scores : findScore

You can use this command to show all student scores that matches the given search keyword of the specific parameter so that you can quickly find information about a student score without having to search through the list. No student or graded components will be displayed. Format: findScore [s/STUDENT_NO...] [n/NAME...] [e/EMAIL...] [g/TUTORIAL_GRP...] [c/COMP_NAME...][x/comments...][t/tags...]

Example: findScore g/T02 c/midterm lists all midterm scores in tutorial group T02. The graded component and student list will be emptied.

Sort Commands

You can use the following commands to sort the students or student scores by a given criteria.

Sorting students: sortStu

You can use this command to sort student data by the given criteria so that you can find the top students easily.


  • The sorting order keyword must be one of the acceptable description provided below:
Accepted keywords Field to be sorted Description
n, name n/ Name of the student by alphabetical order
s, studentId, studentID s/ Student ID of the student by alphabetical order
e, email e/ Email of the student by alphabetical order
g, tutorial, tut, tutGroup g/ Tutorial group of the student by alphabetical order
ts, totalScore, score NIL Total score of the student by numerical value
  • The reverse order keyword must be one of the acceptable description given below:
    "decreasing", "0", "false", "f" (These 4 keywords have the same effect), "increasing", "1", "true", "t" (These 4 keywords have the same effect).
  • It is allowed to omit sorting order and reverse order. In this case, the default sorting order is by total score while the default reverse order is false (i.e. increasing).
  • This command sorts only the currently displayed students. To sort all students, please use listStu command in advance. If there is no currently displayed student, the command can still execute successfully, but the list of students will remain unchanged.


  • sortStu o/name r/true displays the students sorted in descending alphabetical order by their names.


Sorting students scores: sortScore

You can use this command to sort students score by the given criteria and display its associated students in order so that you can find the top students with their associated scores easily .

Format: sortScore c/COMP_NAME [r/REVERSE_ORDER]

  • The reverse order keyword must be one of the acceptable description given below:
    "decreasing", "0", "false", "f" (These 4 keywords have the same effect), "increasing", "1", "true", "t" (These 4 keywords have the same effect).
  • It is allowed to omit reverse order. In this case, the default reverse order is false (i.e. increasing).
  • This command will only sort the currently displayed students. If you want to sort all students, please use listAll command in advance. If there is no currently displayed student, the command can still execute successfully, but the lists of students and student scores will remain unchanged.


  • sortScore c/Midterm r/true returns the sorted students whose midterm scores are in descending order.

Statistics and Auto Grading Commands

Auto grading all the students: autoGrade

You can use this command to automatically assigns grades to all students based on their total score and the automatic grading method so that you can significantly reduce the time needed to grade the students and avoid manually grading each student.

Format: autoGrade ag/METHOD pg/PASSING_VALUE

There are 2 possible METHOD:

  • Percentile Method: p, percentile, Percentile
    • Calculate students' grade based on the statistical percentile.
  • Absolute Score Method: a, absolute, Absolute
    • Calculate students' grade based on the given passing grade values.
    • the absolute value is compared directly with the students' total score (in percentage of the maximum score possible).

The PASSING_VALUE are numbers that determine the boundary for each grade

  • The structure of PASSING_VALUE: [A+] [A] [A-] [B+] [B] [B-] [C+] [C] [D+] [D] [F]
  • Each bracket represents the boundary value for the grade.
    • For percentile method, it is the statistical percentile value.
    • For absolute method, it is the total score.
  • It is not compulsory to fill all the PASSING_VALUE, but such approach would make students below the lowest given passing value to be graded F.
  • Example: pg/90 80 65 40 30. This would correspond to:
    • Value 90 given to A+
    • Value 80 given to A
    • Value 65 given to A-
    • Value 40 given to B+
    • Value 30 given to B
    • Any Value below 30 will be given F

💡 Useful tips: The autoGrade command works on the filtered student list. This would allow for example, to grade students only compared to their own tutorial group. To automatically grade every student in the module, please use findStu command to display every student.


  • autoGrade ag/absolute pg/95 80 70 55 40 20. This would automatically grade student by using absolute grade threshold. Student with total score 95% above will be given A+, total score below 95% and 90 above will be given A, and so on, while below 20% will be given F.


Calculating overall statistics: stats

You can use this command to calculate overall statistics of all students so that you can have a quick insight of how your students are performing.

Format: stats [st/STATS] [g/TUTORIAL_GRP]

  • It is allowed to omit [st/STATS]. In this case, it will return a summary of all currently supported statistics.
  • For stats keywords, it must be currently supported. Here is an exhaustive list of currently supported statistical measures: mean, standardDeviation, upperQuartile, lowerQuartile, max, min, skewness.
  • For the calculation of upper and lower quartile, we use Method 4 introduced in Wikipedia.
  • If there is only valid score matching the criteria, skewness will be displayed as NaN because skewness for one data is meaningless.
  • Multiple stats keywords are allowed, but only 0 or 1 tutorial group keyword is allowed.


  • stats st/upperQuartile st/lowerQuartile returns the upper and lower quartile of the overall student grades.


Calculating statistics of a graded component : compStats

You can calculate statistics of all student scores of a specific graded component so that you can have a quick insight of how my students are performing in a specific assignment.

Format: compStats c/COMP_NAME [st/STATS] [g/TUTORIAL_GRP]

  • It is allowed to omit [st/STATS]. In this case, it will return a summary of all statistics that are currently supported.
  • For stats keywords, it must be currently supported. Here is an exhaustive list of currently supported statistical measures: mean, standardDeviation, upperQuartile, lowerQuartile, max, min, skewness.
  • For the calculation of upper and lower quartile, we use Method 4 introduced in Wikipedia.
  • If there is only valid score matching the criteria, skewness will be displayed as NaN because skewness for one data is meaningless.
  • Multiple stats keywords are allowed, but only 0 or 1 tutorial group keyword is allowed.


  • compStats st/upperQuartile st/lowerQuartile c/Midterm returns the upper and lower quartile of the student grades in Midterm.

Other Commands

Viewing help : help

You can use this command to show a message explaining how to access the help page.

help message

Format: help

List all : listAll

You can use this command to show all students, student scores and graded components in their lists respectively. This removes all the filter applied from the find command.

Format: listAll

Example: listAll

Clearing all entries : clearAll

You can use this command to clear all data from ModuLight.

Format: clearAll

  • The clearing process is irreversible.

Exiting the program : exit

You can use this command to exit the program.

Format: exit

Saving the data

ModuLight data is saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need for you to save manually.

Loading the previous data

There is no need to manually load data stored on the hard disc. It will be available automatically everytime the program starts.

Command summary

Action Format, Examples
Add a student addStu s/STUDENT_NO n/NAME e/EMAIL [g/TUTORIAL_GRP] [t/tags…]
e.g., addStu s/A1234567Y n/Andy Ong g/T03 e/
Add a graded component addComp c/COMP_NAME w/WEIGHTAGE mm/MAX_MARKS
e.g., addComp c/Midterm w/30 mm/70
Edit a student editStu INDEX [s/STUDENT_NO] [g/TUTORIAL_GRP] [n/NAME] [e/EMAIL] [t/tags…]​
e.g., editStu 1 s/A1234567Y g/T03
Edit a graded component editComp INDEX [c/COMP_NAME] [w/WEIGHTAGE] [mm/MAX_MARKS]
e.g., editComp 1 c/Midterms mm/55
Edit a student score editScore INDEX [m/SCORE] [x/comment]
e.g., editScore 1 m/57
Delete a student deleteStu INDEX
e.g., deleteStu 2
Delete a graded component deleteComp INDEX
e.g., deleteComp 1
Delete everything clearAll
Find a student findStu [s/STUDENT_NO...] [n/NAME...] [e/EMAIL...] [g/TUTORIAL_GRP...] [t/TAG...]
e.g., findStu n/Alice n/Bob g/T01
Find a graded component findComp [c/COMP_NAME]
e.g., findComp c/Midterms
Find a student score findScore [s/STUDENT_NO] [n/NAME] [e/EMAIL] [g/TUTORIAL_GRP] [c/COMP_NAME][x/comments][t/tags]...
e.g., findScore c/Midterms
List all students, scores and graded components listAll
Sort student sortStu [o/SORTING_ORDER] [r/REVERSE_ORDER]
e.g., sortStu o/name r/true
Sort student score sortScore [o/SORTING_ORDER] [r/REVERSE_ORDER]
e.g., sortScore o/name r/true
Auto grading all the students autoGrade ag/METHOD pg/PASING_VALUE
e.g., autoGrade ag/absolute pg/95 80 70 55 40 20
Calculate overall statistics stats [st/STATS] [g/TUTORIAL_GRP]
e.g., stats st/upperQuartile st/lowerQuartile g/T01
Calculate component statistics compStats [c/COMP_NAME] [st/STATS] [g/TUTORIAL_GRP]
e.g., compStats c/midterm st/upperQuartile st/lowerQuartile
Help help


  1. Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
    A: You can install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous ModuLight home folder.

  2. Q: How does the calculation of scores work?
    A: You may refer to the notes on score calculations.

  3. Q: Does the display update information (e.g. name, mean) in real time?
    A: Yes.

  4. Q: Why should I avoid entering numbers with more than 2 decimal places of precision?
    A: Numerical errors have been known to occur due to the limits of floating-point precision on computers.

  5. Q: What should I do if the application GUI opens off-screen when switching from multiple screens to a single screen?
    A: If you move the application to a secondary screen and later switch to using only the primary screen, the GUI may open off-screen. To resolve this issue, delete the preferences.json file created by the application before running it again. This ensures that the GUI is properly displayed on the primary screen.

  6. Q: How do I verify the java version installed in my computer?
    A: You can open a terminal and enter "java -version". The java version installed will be displayed in the terminal window.

  7. Q: How do I open a terminal?
    A: It depends on the operating system.

    • Mac: Open launchpad and search for terminal. Click the app icon to open terminal.
    • Windows: In Windows Search, search for terminal and select Windows Terminal from the search results.



Term Definition
Alphanumeric A piece of alphanumeric text should consist of only alphabets and numeric values. For instance, the text “ABC11” is alphanumeric whereas “(**)” is not.
Command An input written by the user to tell Modulight to perform a certain action.
Command Line Interface It is a text-based user interface that accepts text inputs to execute commands.
Command Terminal A text input and output environment that allows us to enter commands that the computer processes.
Component A component is a part of the user interface.
Domain A domain is a digital address of a website. For emails, domain is the web address that comes after the @ symbol. For example, the domain in the email address is
Graphical User Interface It is a digital interface where the users interact with the system using graphical components, such as icons and buttons.
Index A number that refers to the position of the components in an ordering. Modulight uses a 1-based index, which means the first number in an order is 1.
JSON file JavaScript Object Notation(JSON) is a file used for data storage in ModuLight. For more information, please refer to the guide here.
Parameter A value that must be inputted by the user to complete a command.
User Interface It is the point in which a human user interacts with a computer. It can be a physical device or software program.