ModuLight is a web application to grade students in a module. The user interface will mainly be CLI.
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Parameter | Description | Constraints | Valid Examples | Invalid Examples |
pg/ | Used in autoGrade to determine the passing value of the grade | At most 11 number, with each of them must be an integer. Furthermore, the value must be decreasing and cannot exceed 100 or below 0 | 90 80 50 30 20, 0, 100 | 101, -2, 90 70 75, 90 90 90 |
ag/ | Used in autoGrade to determine the grading method | One of the: p, percentile, Percentile, a, absolute, Absolute | p, percentile, Percentile, a, absolute, Absolute | Asolut, persentil |
Edits a student’s mark for a certain graded component, based on the 1-based index of the student score shown in the Student Scores list.
Note: a StudentScore will be automatically added when a graded component is created or when a new student is added. Similarly, student scores will be automatically deleted when its associated graded component or student is deleted.
Format: editScore INDEX [m/SCORE] [x/comment] [t/tags]
Examples: editScore 7 m/57
assigns a mark of 57 for the seventh student score in the Student Scores list.
Automatically assign grades to all students based on their total score and the automatic grading method.
Format: autoGrade ag/METHOD pg/PASSING_VALUE
There are 2 possible METHOD
, percentile
, Percentile
, absolute
, Absolute
are numbers that determine the boundary for each grade
: [A+] [A] [A-] [B+] [B] [B-] [C+] [C] [D+] [D] [F]
method, it is the statistical percentile value.absolute
method, it is the total score.PASSING_VALUE
, but such approach would make students below the lowest given passing value to be graded F
.pg/90 80 65 40 30
. This would correspond to:
given to A+
given to A
given to A-
given to B+
given to B
will be given F
Important Note:
command works on the filtered student list. This would allow for example, to grade students only compared to their own tutorial group. To automatically grade every student in the module, please use findStu
command to display every student.Example:
autoGrade ag/absolute pg/95 80 70 55 40 20
. This would automatically grade student by using absolute grade threshold. Student with total score 95%
above will be given A+
, total score below 95%
and 90
above will be given A
, and so on, while below 20%
will be given F
.The auto-grading command uses the help of EditStudentScommand
and SortStuCommand
to properly assign each grade to the students.
The SortStuCommand
is used to find the grade threshold value for each grade, if the method used is by percentile
(this will be explained later).
Additionally, it creates clearer result as it sorts the students by their total score inversely.
In a short manner, the mechanism works by finding the grade threshold for each grade and assigning the grade to each student by comparing
their total score to the previously found grade threshold.
There are 2 possible method of grading:
will be used to sort the students and find the students at the exact position of the grade threshold.
Note that it will round up the index to take a more lenient approach. The total score of that student will be used as the grade threshold.absolute
Important Note:
command works on the filtered student list. This would allow for example, to grade students only compared to their own tutorial group. To automatically grade every student in the module, findStu
command can be used to display every student.Given below is an example usage scenario and how the auto-grading mechanism for percentile calculation behaves at each step.
Step 1. The user launch the application for the first time.
Step 2. The user creates the desired graded components, adds all the students in the cohort, and assign them with scores.
Step 3. The user then executes autoGrade ag/percentile pg/95 70 65 50 40 30 20
to execute the auto-grading system, the percentile
keyword indicates that ModuLight grades based on the students' percentile compared to another. The value after pg/
the top percentile for each corresponding grade threshold, i.e. pg/[A+] [A] [A-] [B+] ...
Note: The value for ag/
can be type absolute
which determines the grade based on the passing score of the student's total score.
This step will first trigger the parse function and several things will be executed
then will parse the grading method string into AutoGradeType PERCENTILE
will parse the passing value string into an array of float. In this step, string that is not parsable will be checked and an exception will be thrown.
Furthermore, values less than zero or more than 100 will cause an exception to be thrown as the total mark of a student is in percentage.
Further check on values must be decreasing is also available as lower grades cannot have higher grade threshold.AutoGradeCommand
object.Step 4. The AutoGradeCommand
returned will then be executed and several other things will be executed
and causes the filtered student list to be updated into the sorted form.PERCENTILE
, it will then trigger AutoGradeCommand#setGradeThresholdPercentile()
to be executed in order to calculate the
grade threshold.EditStudentDescriptor
for each student in the filtered list and the assigned grade.
The grade is determined by comparing the student's total score and the grade threshold.EditStudentCommand
will be created and executed for each student and the grade will be added.The following sequence diagram shows how the auto-grading mechanism works:
Use case: Edit a student score
User requests to list student scores.
ModuLight shows a list of student scores.
User requests to edit the details of a specific student score.
ModuLight updates the detail of that student score with entered data.
ModuLight shows a list of updated student scores.
Use case ends.
2a. The list is empty.
Use case ends.
3a. The given index is invalid.
3a1. ModuLight shows an error message.
Use case resumes at step 2.
3b. There is some error in the entered data.
Use case resumes at step 2.
Use case: Automatically grade students based on their total score
User requests to automatically grade student using AutoGradeCommand.
Modulight automatically grade every student command based on their total score, grading method, and passing value.
Modulight automatically sort students based on their total score for convenience.
Use case ends.
1a. User request to use unsupported grading method.
1a1. Modulight shows an error message and a list of supported grading method available.
Use case ends
1b. User inputted non-decreasing values for passing value.
1b1. Modulight shows an error message specifying that the values inputted is non-decreasing.
Use case ends
1c. User inputted passing values outside the bound of 0 and 100 inclusively.
1c1. Modulight shows an error message specifying that the values must be between 0 and 100 inclusively.
Use case ends
1d. User inputted too many passing values.
1d1. Modulight shows an error message specifying that there are too many passing values inputted.
Use case ends